The vision
A high quality education is the fundamental right of every child.  All children will receive the respect, encouragement, and opportunities they need to build the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be successful, contributing members of a global society.
We envisage an education system that strives to achive the formation of the whole person and acts a a key element of social change.  We aspire towards Creating a society which respects individual dignity, Challenging unjust social structures, Nurturing ahimsa and religious harmony, Reaching out to families, Operating beyond caste and creed, Opening up to society as a positive agent of change.
Pursuing excellence in student's scholastic ability.
Transforming the classroom culture: orientation towards creativity
Development of personal initiative to enhance social responsibility
A trustworthy educational climate
Creation of satisfactory educational systems and facilities.
Student focused, student-centric and student friendly education.
Core values
system strives Every child can learn and succeed
The pursuit of excellence is fundamental and unending
An ethical school system requires fair treatment, honesty, openness, integrity, and respect.
A high-quality school to be responsive and accountable to the customer.



St Mary School, Amreli

Near Reliance Petrol Pump, Lathi Road, Amreli
Pin- 365601

02792-240793, 24066